First Day of School: Harder For Parents or Kids?

I’ve heard parents say things like, “I can’t wait for school to start. I’ve had enough!” I can certainly understand that some may feel overwhelmed and need a break from their kids. Believe me, I’ve been at the point where I want to rip my hair out. My four-year-old is constantly running off at the mouth – a trait she got from her Mama. My one-year-old won’t stop moving. Ever since he began walking, he’s all over the place. We’re always pulling him out of somewhere he shouldn’t be. Sometimes, I even consider getting some extra help through 上門補習.

Although they drive me nuts, it’s hard seeing them go off to school.


We always assume that the first day of school is harder for kids, but what about the parents? Getting everything ready for the year can be challenging. We spent a good chunk of the day before preparing for the first day of school. Okay I admit, their Dad did most of work. Hey, I still had a bunch of stuff to do too! In any event, the point that I’m trying to make is that school is hard for parents as well as the kids.

I’m happy that my kiddos are moving on. But, it’s tough for me to see them do so. Princess woke up this morning weeping about not wanting to be a Watermelon (aka Pre-Kindergartener). But the minute we left the house, she was excited that she would see all of her friends. I thought Baby O would have a hard time. He usually cries when I leave him. But, today drop off went smoothly.

I’m glad that they’re handling better than me.

Do you think the first day of school is harder for the kids or parents?


The Network Niche