You may remember a post I wrote a while back about changing Baby O’s name. While I hate to admit it, it’s time. He has grown into a tot. No more crawling for my little guy. Now my baby has a new name!
Thanks so much for sharing ideas, although most of you thought I was looking to change his real name. For the record, I’m not – just his nick name or pet name, as we call it in Jamaica.
For those of you who may be new to my blog, I don’t use my children’s name on the web in order to protect their privacy. If you know it, I’d really appreciate it if you don’t share it.
That said, I’ve thought about calling him Prince for obvious reasons. His sister Princess actually suggested King instead. Other suggestions include Little Prince, Prince O, and Lil O to name a few. His Dad is totally against anything Prince related. In fact, he’s not a fan of the nick name Princess. Since I named both kids, I figured it would be fair to give him a shot at giving Baby O a new nick name.
Without further adieu…
Say hi to Young O!
Lol. Young O was the (nick)name of a dorm at my college!