I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I am not a crafty person. Not even Crafting for Dummies on Pinterest can help me! But I’ve managed to come up with some fun and easy holiday crafts for kids that even the most craft challenged person can conquer.
I’ve learned that the key to being creative is not to over think it. It probably won’t be perfect and that’s ok.
Princess loves art. I always try to come up with something to get her creative juices flowing. Whether it’s painting, drawing, or pasting something together- we just have fun with it.
I’ve been looking through Pinterest boards for ideas and stumbled across Santa handprint ornaments.

Courtesy of Hands on as We Grow

Courtesy of Dodi47
Making a Santa ornament seems simple enough, right? I enlisted some help from Princess and Young O to put together our own.
We were able to achieve this using just five items:
1.Googly eyes (or you can draw your own)
2. Cotton
3. Construction paper
4. Glue
5. Scissors
Young O was our hand model. Once we traced around his fingers and cut out the shape, Princess glued everything together.
And there you have it, Santa ornament.
You can find more cool ideas here.
I lOVE this! They made it in my daughter’s preschool class and my older daughter wanted one. Now I know how to make it! Pinning and stumbling for you! Merry Christmas!