Many people get hired for jobs just by networking. Putting yourself in a position where you’re able to develop contacts to help further your career is a great example of working smarter and not harder. But, I’ve seen people drop the ball and miss out on opportunities because of networking mistakes.
Tweet: Here are 5 common networking mistakes people make.
- They are not active on social media. There are still some folks who try to avoid Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin like it’s the plague. But did you know that many people get offers from these outlets? I remember meeting a young lady who had just gotten hired by ESPN as an editor. When I asked how she heard about the gig, she told me they saw her Linkedin profile and called her in for an interview. Most recently, Periscope has become the fastest growing social media outlet and has allowed people so many different ways to make money. When you follow companies and brands you want to work with online, you’d be surprise by the offers that will come your way.
- They don’t attend networking events. I’ve seen some people make the mistake of not attending company parties and conferences, which is a huge mistake. It’s important to place yourself in the same room with people working within your targeted field and get to know the decision makers on a personal level. But, don’t just show up and be silent. Work the room.
- They don’t hand out business cards. Having official cards lets people know that you are a professional and you’re serious about whatever it is that you do. As a model, I always had my composite card on hand. An actor’s headshot is his business card as well. When I became a reporter and wasn’t given a business card, I went to staples and made up my own. When you are at an event and hand out your card, you should also make sure you get the person’s contact info too.
- They jump the gun by asking for favors too soon. It’s a complete turnoff when you begin asking for a job right away. Networking is all about baby steps. Rather than immediately asking for favors, start following the people of interest on social media and comment on their status updates. Allow them to get to know who you are before you start asking for employment.
- They don’t follow up to say thank you. I see this happen a lot and I find it extremely annoying. In fact, it’s one of my biggest pet peeves. Once you’ve established a relationship via social media, attend networking events, hand out business cards, get the interview and land the job, showing gratitude goes a long way. I’ve seen people get the help and bounce, never to be seen or heard from again until they want something else. That’s just rude.
It’s important to remember that networking is on going. It doesn’t matter if you’re an aspiring model, actress, news reporter, lawyer, or doctor. This is a small world and leaving a lasting impression matters. If you ever find yourself in need of voluntary company liquidation services, having a solid network could make a significant difference in managing the process smoothly. You should also remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint. Networking takes time. But if you’re smart about it, you’ll land a lot of opportunities and make life long friends.
Please sure your networking tips.
Thanks for the information I’m the President of my Block Association and in order for us to receive grants or any funding we have to network. And this is what we’re starting to do. Very informative.
No problem. Anytime.