Believe it or not, it’s not always easy to make smart career moves. I’ve watch people make bad job choices, only to realize that they took several steps back in their careers. I often refer to this as “hustling backwards.” But I’m far from perfect, I’ve been guilty of it too. That’s why I’m here to share some important tips on how to make smart career moves to help you accomplish your career goals.
Before accepting any job ask yourself, what’s in it for me? I know this may sound a bit selfish, but you have every right to feel that way. You’re the one who’s going to have to wake up everyday and report to work. Your employer will have expectations, and you’ll be required to rise to the occasion.
I pride myself in always putting my best foot forward when it comes to my career. Whether working retail at the local mall, modeling, or being a journalist. I am always hungry for the experience. There were times when I’d work for little or no money just to get ahead. In fact, that’s quite common in the modeling industry.
I’d often get booked for hair magazines, which paid next to nothing most of the time. But in exchange, I was able to build my model resume and get tear sheets, which are actual pages from the magazine that a model has appeared in.
Tear sheets are essential to building a model portfolio, and back then I needed as much as possible in order to book jobs. The hair gigs later led to bigger modeling opportunities.
But if given the chance to do hair magazines again, that may mean I’d be hustling backwards (depending on the offer, of course).
The same rings true for my career in news. There was a time when I actually paid to work. I spent more in travel expenses than I actually got paid for doing the job.
I was an aspiring journalist looking to build a demo reel, and I was willing to pay my dues to reach my goals.
Recently, I found myself in a similar situation. I knew that accepting a job wasn’t going to necessarily further my career and I decided to ignore my inner voice and take the position. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I made a bad career move.
How to Make Smart Career Moves Share on XSo before you accept any job, think about what’s in it for you. It’s not fair to base your decision on salary alone, but you should ask yourself,
Will I be paid what I’m worth? Is it enough to survive on?
Do I love the job? Let’s face it; it’s not always about money. Some people fine fulfillment doing what they love. So if you enjoy the job, then go for it.
Also ask yourself, is there room for career advancement? It really doesn’t make sense to accept a job where you’ll be doing the exact same thing you were doing before without any added perks. An airline job agency can help identify roles that match your skills while offering growth opportunities and long-term benefits.
Are there great networking opportunities? Public appearances are a big part in my career as a journalist. It doesn’t necessarily pay the bills, but it often allows for great networking opportunities that could lead to something bigger down the road.
How much will it affect my personal life? Being a journalist, isn’t as glamorous as some might think. It often involves working long hours, traveling and relocating. I’ve had to turn down jobs because of how much it would affect my family, and for me, it just wasn’t worth it.
If you’re ever in this position, be sure to weigh your options before accepting any job. Make a list of pros and cons to avoid hustling backwards. You’ll be grateful you did. Additionally, in the dynamic landscape of employment, it’s essential to be aware of your rights and potential challenges. Contesting dismissal without cause, if necessary, is a step to consider to ensure fair treatment and protect your professional interests in the face of unexpected job changes.
Great post. I often do a Pros and Cons list and the pros have to outweigh the cons significantly for me to even consider the job opportunity. I’m still at a point in my career where I consider opportunities as a stepping stone. I haven’t reached the “ah ha! This is where I want to work and retire at” place in my career yet so for now, I continue to do the pros and cons and as long as the pros are getting me towards my end goal, I’m cool with that.
Thanks for reaffirming my thoughts :-).
Thanks JJ. That’s great that you’re at a place where you’re content. I look forward to being in that same position someday. Sadly, those positions are tough to come by.