Some people find it hard to imagine why people run. There’s no denying that marathon runners go through a rigorous training program. Races haven’t been my thing until I signed up for the 10k last year. However, despite being a marathon novice, I grew up playing sports. So, I guess you can say that I’ve always been a runner in some capacity. But not everyone understands why we do it.
If you’re a runner like me, you may sometimes get criticized for running. That said, here are 6 things you’re probably tired of hearing.
6 Silly Things People Say to Marathon Runners Share on XWhen you’re done running, don’t you feel terrible? I was speaking to a colleague about my half marathon training and he began telling me about how horrible he feels whenever he runs. I’ll admit that when you first start training it’s extremely tough. Your muscles are sore, you can’t catch your breath, and there are moments when you feel like you’re going to pass out. But once you maintain a routine, you’ll find that your muscles won’t ache as much. To be honest, I love the way running makes me feel, sore muscles and all.
Why would you want to do this to yourself? Well for starters, I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and set an example for my kids. Whenever my kids see me running, they want to run too. The other day my 5-year-old said to her little brother, “Come on, let’s run a half marathon!” It was quite comical watching them try to out due each other.
My training has also inspired my husband to hop on the running bandwagon. He has no plans of joining the race, but he does it to stay in shape. It also feels great motivating each other other.
Running is boring. That’s quite the contrary. All you need are some awesome tunes and a place to jog and running becomes super exciting. Without my workout playlist, I’m not sure how I’d be able to get through my workouts.
If you run too much, your knees will be shot. That’s actually true. But if you stretch, have good running shoes that offers support, you’re less likely to have that problem.
There’s no denying that the constant pounding on pavement can reek havoc on your knees as well. I usually start to feel it by the 3rd mile that’s why I like to apply ice and tiger balm to treat the affected area.
Running makes you tired. Duh! Of course, you gonna get tired silly. But seriously, if you’re new to running, then get ready to be extremely exhausted after a run. I used to be able to run 5 miles in my sleep, but haven’t been consistent after giving birth.
Needless to say, I was off to a pretty rough start. I was so exhausted after my first week of training that I couldn’t stay up past 11pm. That’s extremely unusual considering I’m normally in bed around 1am.
Who has the time to run? We all have crazy schedules and it’s hard to find time to fit everything in. One would assume that quitting my full time TV job meant more free time, but that’s not the case. But I do carve out time on my off days, in between writing assignments, and on weekends. The key is to have a schedule in place.
There’re always going to be those who don’t get it, but there are also a lot of people who totally understand the rewards of running a marathon. If you ever want to give running a try, be sure to ignore the silly things people say and surround yourself with like minded runners to help you stay focused on achieving your goals.
What are some of the silly things you’ve heard about marathon runners?
As always, I love your writing – always right on. I can relate … A little. I don’t consider myself a runner, since I haven’t run any 10Ks since my early 20’s- over 30 yrs. Ago. But until this past year, I had kept myself in decent shape. So 1st question: why does it take SO long to get INTO shape, and so quick to get OUT of shape ? Running IS brutal, UNTIL you get into somewhat decent shape. But a good playlist – nothin’ more motivating than that ! My sons think I’m crazy, but some good bluegrass/ fiddle music – Charlie Daniels Band, or southern rock – great to run to. And it’s SO easy to make excuses – take it from the expert- me! I’ve been saying for the past year that my work schedule until 6:00 p.m. Prevents working out, I’m just too tired and it’s too late when I get home… There’s always an excuse. And honestly, when you’re in shape, you feel less tired and have more energy. Keep up the good work, pretty lady !