Happy Birthday to our big girl. It’s hard to believe that I gave birth to Anastasia eight years ago today.
My husband and I were extremely excited to start our family at the time. Having children was always on our list of priorities. However, we wanted to build a nest egg and spend time as a married couple before taking the dive into the choppy waters of parenthood.
I’d be lying if I said that parenting is easy. I knew that then as I know now that it is a huge responsibility. I also wanted to work on my budding broadcasting career. Adding a baby to the mix just wasn’t in our immediate plans when we tied the knot.
Then she came along a few years later. We were happy, but scared at the same time. Honestly, he was a lot more at ease than I was. The reality is that society places more of the burden on mothers when it comes to having children.
For starters, I had 12 weeks of maternity leave. My husband didn’t, which proves the point that taking care of an infant falls squarely on women in most cases.
I grappled with taking time off from my very busy and competitive job. But, that struggle didn’t last. From the moment I delivered Anastasia, all bets were off. I couldn’t care less about my career. Our family was more important.
Fortunately, my employer was supportive. I continued working full-time following my maternity leave. My boss even fulfilled my request for a pumping room and storage area, which allowed me to express milk and store it in the refrigerator everyday.
I wanted the best for our baby girl. Breastfeeding her for two years allowed us to create a bond that still exists to this day.
Fast forward four years later, I was faced with another struggle. Our family had grown and Anastasia was gearing up for kindergarten. I no longer had the flexibility of dropping off two little ones at daycare and pre-k later in the day.
Starting elementary school, meant starting the day on time. It would have been impossible for me to come home from work around midnight, and then be up early enough for an 8:05 drop off.
Luckily, I always had the support of my mom. Between the three of us, we’ve managed to make it work. I was able to be a hands on mom, while having a fabulous job.
But, my schedule was no longer conducive to family life when she started kindergarten. How was I going to see my kids?! There was no time during the week, and weekends didn’t leave much time for family bonding. That’s when I made one of the most difficult decision of my life. I quit my full-time job and decided to become a stay-at-home mom.
Even though I primarily stayed home, my former news director offered me the chance to freelance. I also volunteered at the school, took on writing gigs online, and focused on growing my blog and Youtube channel. I kept myself pretty occupied throughout the day, and having the flexibility was priceless.
Now I look back at the choices I’ve made and I am humble and feel proud. I might not be the perfect mom, but who is? Seeing our kids happy makes me happy. It makes me know that I’m doing okay.
I look forward to seeing our little girl continue to grow into a young lady. She’s already demonstrated bravery and independence. I tell her everyday that she’s “smart, beautiful and talented.” I can’t wait see all that the Lord has in store for her. I know it will be amazing.
People always ask me if it’s possible to have it all, and my response is still the same. You can have it all, you just can’t have it all at once. Their may be moments when you may have to put off starting a family, take a break from your career, or start a new venture. Whatever your path, you’ll get to your final destination as long as you stay focused and determined.
Anastasia and O’Shea are now eight and five respectively. My husband and I have a long way to go as far as our parenting journey goes. But, we’re happy about the choices we’ve made in order to ensure that our children have the best upbringing ever imaginable.
To Anastasia:
Happy Birthday Princess! Watching you grow has been the greatest joy of our lives. We look forward to sharing many more memories with you. We are very proud of the young lady you’re becoming. Always stay strong, follow your heart, and don’t ever let anyone discourage you. May God bless you.
Mommy and Daddy
What a beautiful message to your daughter and parents alike.