DIY: Easy Way to Make Non-Toxic Paint for Kids


I wouldn’t consider myself a crafter. In fact, I’d say that I’m craft challenged. But, when I heard that you can actually make your own (DIY) non-toxic paint, I jumped at the opportunity. I found a few recipes online. But as with many cooking recipes, I had to put my own little spin on it…..

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Celebrating Earth Day in Style


It’s the day after Earth Day, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to write about how Princess celebrated the day – in style. Sometimes I feel like a mom to a teenager, rather than a preschooler. Princess has been wanting to dress herself lately, which is great. I love that she’s becoming more independent. But, it can…

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How to Teach Your Child to Read

I had problems reading when I was a kid. I think it had a lot to do with transitioning from one culture to another. Even though English is our national language in Jamaica, there are still a lot of differences between my home country and the United States. For example, some words are pronounced differently…

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Happy Siblings Day!

When I first heard about today being “Siblings Day,” I was like ‘word?’ I immediately texted my brother and sister, who both had no idea there is such a day. It seems fitting to write this post to not only celebrate being a sibling, but to also my two little munchkins. Last year Princess was…

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I Dress My Baby In a Snowsuit For Nap Time: Crazy or Cool Idea?

I’ve written about the silly things I do to get my baby to go to sleep on my BabyCenter blog. I thought I had it all covered. But, I recently figured out another cool way to get Baby O to nap. I dress him in a snowsuit for nap time! Every morning when we drop Princess off…

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Is it possible to be your daughter’s best friend and strict disciplinarian?

Back in the day my friends and I would often plan these extravagant excursions. Okay, I admit our plans were pretty lame. But to us, they were super exciting. It consisted of things like walking to the mall. I know it sounds pretty boring, but it wasn’t to us. Those walks were literally like five…

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5 Reasons why I’m freaking out about traveling with my kids

Last summer I accomplished something I never thought I could do. I got on a plane with my newborn. The trip was a success. Baby O and I had a blast. Now, My hubby and I are gearing up for a trip in a few weeks, and I’m going nuts. Here are five reasons why…

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What Message Am I Sending My Preschooler?

It’s crazy how much of myself I see in my daughter. Whenever she goes through one of her “I think I’m grown moods,” my Mom or Hubby (sometimes both) are quick to chime in saying, “She gets it from you!” How can I argue with that? They’re absolutely right. That said, I’ve been thinking a…

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