Her First Cell Phone at Almost 11 Months!

According to a CBS news article written last year, the number of cell phone subscriptions across the globe has reached the billions.  So I figured since most people have cell phones, why not get one for my little Princess. It only makes sense right?  She always yapping away, and whenever anyone’s on the phone, she has…

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My Baby is sick and I am stressing out!

I’m sure a lot of you parents out there can relate to sick children.  It’s even worse when they’re babies.  They can’t vocalize their pain.  My Princess has been sick with a bad chest cold for a few days now and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.  The worse part is that she…

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Would You Allow You Baby to Wear a Bikini?

With summer just around the corner, I’ve been shopping around for cute baby gear for my little Princess.  My hubby and I plan to take her to the beach this year, so I also went on the hunt for a cute swimsuit.  I couldn’t help but notice that there were bikinis for babies in one particular store.  I…

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