Here’s a sneak peek at Princess’s Bday recap. I’ll be posting the entire video this Friday. Don’t forget to check back!
My daughter’s daycare provides meals, once infants become toddlers. In fact, eating table food is a requirement for moving up to the next level. Princess has actually been eating table foods since she was about nine months old. She wasn’t eating hearty meals like mommy and daddy, but I’d modify everything so that she can easy…
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No Babies Allowed At Restaurants?
What if you were told that you couldn’t bring your baby into a restaurant? I came across this video on where one local business owner in North Carolina says she has decided to ban screaming babies from her restaurant. I must admit I would have shouted “Hallelujah” a couple years ago. But, times have changed. I…
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Creative Gift Ideas For Father’s Day
It’s my mom’s birthday and after many years of getting her gifts, I’ve hit a wall. So, I’ve decided to recycle my gift from Father’s Day. I’m not being cheap, just practical. This past Father’s Day was my hubby’s first and I wanted to make it extra special. I had this idea in mind before our beautiful daughter came…
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Calling All Bloggers! Help!
I consider myself a new-be when it comes to the blogger world. I love writing about my experiences as a new mom, and I love getting feedback from readers (Please keep those comments coming). Despite my initial hesitation of posting pics of my baby girl, I now have to restrain myself from overloading my blog…
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I Brought My Hubby to Tears!
When it comes to gift ideas for my hubby, I’m usually stumped! But for his first official Father’s Day, I knew exactly what to get. I’ve been keeping this project top secret for over a month and I’m so happy I can finally share it with you. I put together a mini movie of video…
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My Baby is sick and I am stressing out!
I’m sure a lot of you parents out there can relate to sick children. It’s even worse when they’re babies. They can’t vocalize their pain. My Princess has been sick with a bad chest cold for a few days now and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. The worse part is that she…
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Celebrating Loving Day and Princess’s Baptism
This weekend may have started out gloomy, but I must say it ended on a great note. I’m not just referring to the outdoors. My little Princess was feeling a little under the weather. I was worried because her baptism was scheduled for Sunday. We also had a few hang ups along the way, but…