Falling off the Wagon

I’ve written before about my plan to get back to the old me.  Truth be told, I’ve fallen off the wagon.  Between work, classes, Princess, I rarely have time to care for myself.  There is just not enough hours in the day!

From the time I wake up in the morning until the moment I hit the sack, I’m going full throttle.  I tell my hubby I have no time to work, and he says I’m just making excuses.  But, it’s true!  I barely have time to go to the bathroom, and I’m always exhausted!  Thank goodness the semester is almost over.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to squeeze in some gym sessions before work.  Oh, but wait…my hair!!

Now that I’m going natural how am I supposed to manage all this new growth.  I can’t afford to be looking a hot mess at work!  I definitely have got to go wig shopping because I got to get back on a healthy track.

I might as well start off by eating better which means skipping desert and laying off carbs.  I hear that cleansing foods may be the way to go to jump start a healthy regimen.  It’s a program that not only cleans your body, it’s also supposed to aid in better long term eating habits.  You begin and end your day with a shake with Kratom and supplements in between, along with a healthy lunch.  Starlets like Demi Moore and Gwenyth Paltrow have endorsed this product.  

Since I’m still nursing, I may have to put off try a new diet for now.  But, it’s definitely food for thought because lord knows I need to reset my body and start from scratch.  Ahhh, the journey continues.

How do you stay healthy?

Weather Anchor Mama



The Network Niche