It’s been 16 weeks! According to the folks at BabyCenter, my baby is the size of an avocado. Measuring 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and weighing approximately 3 1/2 ounces, this little gal or guy is expected to double in size in a matter of weeks. I was pretty excited to feel my little avocado moving about this week. Those tiny flutters that gave me butterflies became little thumps as the week went on.
As far as eating goes, my appetite has been up and down. I haven’t really been craving much of anything. In fact, I often remind myself that I need to eat for nutrients rather than for taste (if that makes sense). I normally drink water nonstop, but I’ve been slacking in that department. Maybe that explains those random cramps I’ve been getting in my side.
As I remember from my first pregnancy, the second trimester is the fun part. Each day brings me a step closer to meeting my little angel. I can’t wait!
Your pictures are cute as usual. An avocado! That’s tiny.
I know and my stomach is so huge. haha. Typical 2nd time around.