Sometimes I Wish I Were a Work-at-Home Mom

When I read about ways on how moms can work-at-home I thought dang, I’m in the wrong line of work. Some moms start their own business right in the comfort of their own home, and are able to have the best of both worlds – a wonderful career and time with the kids.

Some may think that starting a business is much harder than working a 9 to 5. But according to, it’s not as tough as you think. There are various types of business including, selling hand made crafts, web design, social media, and photography to name a few. I’ve also met a fellow bloggers, who have managed to make a living blogging.


I’ve been at this blog thing for years, and haven’t had the opportunity to pursue it full time. I can’t front, it would be nice to be able to wake up in the morning and not have to shower, get all dressed up, and hit the road. Nowadays, moms have the ability to tend to the kids while taking care of business right on their computer. Many entrepreneurs have discovered the benefits of using a virtual office. Not only does it offer an impressive sounding postal address, but it also ensures complete privacy. I’ve personally used Virtual Office London for a virtual postal address when running my business from home. The convenience and professionalism it provides are unparalleled. Skype and Google hang outs may require them to get a bit more dolled up from the shoulders up. But generally speaking, they’re able to do all this in slippers and pjs. Ahhh, what a life!

I’m sure it ain’t easy though. I find it hard to juggle completing school work the kids around. So, I understand what work-at-home parents must go through. My husband works from home most weekends and claims that it’s much harder than being at the office. While I kid that all he does is click and drag files, I know there’s a lot more brain power involved. It can be challenging to focus on sensitive documents while chasing after a preschooler and an infant.

I’m no where near ready to leave the news biz. But, I do find comfort knowing that there are options out there that would allow me to have a bit more control of my work schedule.

If you had a chance to work from home full time would you? If you already do, do you find it hard to get work done with the kids around?


The Network Niche


  1. says

    Great post! I work part-time from home, teaching college courses online and blogging. I’ve found it difficult to manage my time. I want to make sure I am engaged with my daughter, but I also like to have outlets for myself. It’s a delicate balance.

  2. says

    I have the opportunity to telework part time and then go to the office the rest of the time. I must say that my telework days are the hardest because I have a full work day AND have to care for my little one right after my work day ends AND cook and clean around the house. On the days I go to the office, I get a bit of a break in between during my commute and hubby is OK with us eating whatever is left in the fridge or ordering in. They make for much easier days than the days.

    I like that arrangement. I honestly don’t know that the stay at home mom thing is for me BUT I really truly admire and appreciate all the moms who do it. It is NOT easy!

  3. says

    seriously… i’ll bet every working mom thinks about quitting her day job at least a few times! it CAN BE done (i did it!) but i still love to write which is why i started my blog (not for $$$ though)…

  4. says

    J, you are so right. It’s kinda what my husband says. Whenever he works, it’s hard to chase after the baby and cleanup and whatnot. If I were to work from home, I’d probably have to keep him at daycare at least part time. That’s the only way I’d get things done. My oldest will be in kindergarten next year and the baby has quite a few years left before then. We’ll see.

  5. says

    I would love to work from home, but I could def see how I would have a hard time concentrating!