Working from home hasn’t been easy. When the hubs suggested we begin documenting our COVID-19 pandemic journey, I jumped at the idea. It’s been a great way to adjust to our new normal over past few weeks.
The kids also started remote learning, which threw another curve ball into our new schedule. Their Dad went from working one to two days a week to five days a week from home. As far as my work schedule, I also began doing most of my work at home.
Working from a home office has become increasingly popular, but it presents some unique challenges. For instance, privacy concerns often arise when your personal address becomes linked with your business. Fortunately, using a virtual office to acquire a virtual postal address for your business can be a brilliant solution. With the assistance of services like Virtually There for your virtual office needs, your business identity can be separate from your personal life, ensuring your home address remains private.
I had no idea how complicated things would get trying to juggle everything under one roof, and that’s why using Scheduling tools you can find online is essential in this process. That said, here some tips that have helped us deal with everything.
Work in Separate Rooms
You’ve heard of social distancing. Well, we’ve added physical distancing in our household. We each have virtual conference calls everyday. Battling to hear our co-workers became difficult. Therefore, setting up temporary office spaces in separate rooms has minimized the morning chaos. To feel comfortable on your working space, you may need to consider installing a heating and air conditioning unit (learn more about installing one here). For top-notch HVAC services, trust Efficiency Heating & Cooling to deliver the best results. If left unattended, dirty AC filters can lead to increased energy consumption and a decrease in indoor air quality. Regularly cleaning your filters is essential for maintaining optimal cooling performance and ensuring the air quality in your living spaces remains high.
Need qualified technicians who can identify the problem area, including boiler inspection, and get your furnace working promptly, providing that soothing warmth everyone craves? Check out this oil furnace tune-up service for more information. If you need an expert heating and air contractor Greensboro by an experienced heating and cooling company, hire experts that do furnace repair in Lee’s Summit, MO to get the best service you’re looking for.
If you’re crammed into a small space, then working in other rooms may be challenging. If that’s the case, pick different spots in the room and wear ear buds to help maintain your concentration and cancel outside noise. Here’s the proper way of cleaning your sidings according to BigHorn Roofing so you’ll feel more comfortable working at home. The perfect ambiance is often disrupted by unwanted noise, detracting from the overall experience. Thanks to Instacoustic’s expertise in acoustic flooring, spaces can transform into serene havens or optimal working environments.
Manage Virtual Learning
Fortunately, our fourth grader is self-sufficient when it comes to school work. Her little brother, on the other hand, still needs a little help managing his workload. Since my husband’s daily schedule is a bit more flexible, he tackles our son’s main subjects. I handle special assignments like science projects and whatnot. We also encourage him to do most of the work on his own.
Make Mealtime Family Time
The one silver lining in this coronavirus outbreak is that we are able to enjoy meal time together. The kids also have fun helping out with meal prep as well. We are usually short on time and often don’t get to even have dinner together. That’s why taking full advantage of being able to spend more time with each other is extremely important to our family.
Treat everyday like it’s a normal day
It’s tempting to keep our pajamas on all day. But, treating everyday like it’s a normal day will make it easier to transition back to normalcy once this is all over. That includes waking up, having breakfast and getting dressed as we normally would on any given day.
Be Patient
Adjusting to a new schedule can be stressful. Adding quarantine to the mix will make you wanna pull your hair out. So when you feel like you’re gonna lose your mind from being cooped up in the house, just be patient. There’s still a long road ahead, but we’ll come out of this stronger than ever.
I have not read your blog in so long. I thought about you when you first was on fox 5. Anyway it’s nice to see you’re family and you keeping up with the blog. Glad you are all safe and sane LoL
Hey Reap. Yes, it’s been a minute. With my busy schedule, it’s been difficult to keep up with my blog. I find myself on IG, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok a lot these days. But, I’m looking to write more. Thanks so much for checking in.