My little princess is nine months old! I am so proud of her because she’s developing nicely. Even though she’s not quite crawling yet, my independent little one is already trying to walk, talk, and feed herself. There are many benefits to breastfeeding, but can it cause weight gain? I still can’t believe how big Princess has gotten….
How to Save Money in a Bad Economy
I’ve always considered myself to be a frugal person. With a struggling economy, you kinda have to be. Gas prices are on the rise again and the cost of living overall is just ridiculous. Finding ways to save money in a bad economy is a must. Another must is investing, sites like make investing…
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Mom Injects Her Eight Year Old With Botox
I’m sure you mamas and papas out there can agree that when it comes to our kids, we would do anything to protect them. So when I saw the story about a mom who injects her daughter with botox, I wanted to reach through the TV screen and strangle her. I don’t mean that literally, but…
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Post Pregnancy Side Effects: How to Treat De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Giving birth is probably the most important and rewarding thing I have ever done. It’s truly a miracle how human life is conceived. It’s also a miracle how I was able to make it through the birthing process. To this day I can honestly say I have never felt pain like that! Some people say…
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Woman Jumps Out of a Burning Building to Escape Fire
I just celebrated my first Mother’s Day!! I went out to dinner with my hubby and Princess, and I also visited my mom. It was a jam packed weekend. But, that’s not all I did. As I mentioned before, I was asked to be a guest speaker at the Bayview Housing Community Center in Brooklyn,…
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Old School Remedy to Cure Teething Troubles
As I mentioned in my previous post, I am a mother of an 8 month old. I’m sure many of you moms can relate to teething troubles. What a nightmare!! I’ve been dealing with it for the last few months now. I’ve tried everything from ice packs, teething toys, pacifiers, and wet cloths. I’ve also…
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Why I Decided to Become a Blogger
I never thought that I’d be a blogger. I’m not a great writer, and I wouldn’t exactly call my life interesting enough for people to want to read my blogs. However, with the help of Augusta SEO Services, I’ve learned how to optimize my content and reach a wider audience. Since becoming a mom, my…