Change In a Matter of Seconds

It’s funny how Princess changes moods at the drop of a hat.  One minute she could be the happiest baby ever.  Seconds later she’ll flip the script and cry her eyes out.  When she starts whining, it’s a wrap!  She won’t stop until she gets what she wants.  I recently captured these quick moments as evidence.  When she gets older, I’ll be pulling pics like these out for her to see.

Grinning from ear to ear

Bawling hysterically

The whining baby

Typical baby.  How often does your kid do this?

Weather Anchor Mama


The Network Niche


  1. says

    Yep, that’s my Nia! She switches moods constantly. I just posted one of her silly tantrums to the blog a couple days ago. It’s weird cause she gets fixated on getting objects to do what she wants them to do and melts down when they don’t conform. Kinda OCD like! We let her watch her meltdown video and she laughs so hard as if to say, “Oh yeah. That!” Toddlers are funny, aren’t they?