My Take on Castor Oil

My mom introduced my sister and I to castor oil when we were kids.  Since I’ve decided to go back to my natural roots, I’ve been using it to treat my hair more often.


The Network Niche


  1. Anonymous says

    I use the clear one right out the pharmacy, it works the same to me. When i did use the black jamaican castor oil, i would add a sweet smelling conditioner on top of it so when i rinsed it out – the smell wasnt bad. I also mix mine with different oils bcuz castor oil is thick.
    One thing you have to watch with using this oil is it will pick up lint. So try to keep your hair covered when laying down.
    Keep up the good work!
    That eye shadow is so pretty on you!

  2. says

    Really? I didn’t know they had a clear one. Thanks for the tip. I always make sure I sleep with a scarf or something. My hair could pick up lint and I can also stain my sheets. Don’t want that. hehe. Thanks! I got my eye shadow from mac! I try to stick with matt eye shadows. Have a great weekend Rheap!

  3. Anonymous says

    Yes, they have it in the pharmacy section and in health food stores. People use it because it helps them move their bowels. The black castor is raw and unrefined but i don’t see much difference besides the smell. I know what You mean about staining the sheets, that happens to me every time I add that oil and the coconut oil to my hair.
    Your Welcome! I remember seeing a video of you saying, you dont like shimmery shadows lol I hear ya!
    Enjoy your weekend as well!