Ways to Tame New Growth

One of the hardest things I’ve faced during this process so far is taming my new growth. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far. Please share your ideas.


The Network Niche


  1. Anonymous says

    I think it depends on the hairstyle bcuz if you wear your hair like in this video, your doing to have to deal with frizz. You might want to think about doing a “braid out”. Put a bunch of braids in your hair after washing it and use sum kind of get to seal it. The next day, take it out and separate it with your fingers. Or u can wear your hair in a ponytail and use sum pomade to flatten the edges. Tie a scarf around the head until its set.
    I know why most naturals did the “big chop” bcuz the relaxed hair and natural hair do not mix. Plus the relaxed hair is going to break off every chance it gets so I cut it after i get braids. Hey maybe u can write a blog where we can submit our pics!
    TTYL! ~Rheapjoy

  2. says

    It’s great that you’re transitioning like that. When I went natural back in high school, I wore my hair in micros and mini twists. Ten when I got to college and was on a smaller budget, I was forced to do my own hair. Trust, you’re learning a lot about your hair and it’ll help when you’re doing it later. I kinda had to start from scratch.
    As for heat protection, I dont really straighten my hair on my hair on my own. I dont have the patience. I only get it straightened when I go to my stylists to get it trimmed. But I heard that the Carol’s Daughter Macadamia line is good for heat protection. They even have something to help with your ends. The only problem I have with Carol’s Daughter (and Miss Jessie’s) is the fact that their so expensive and I can get a more natural product that works just as good if not better for waaay cheaper. Anyway, good luck. It’ll get easier with time (like most things), promise.

  3. says

    Braidouts worked for me. Like Rheapjoy said the hair’s going to get cut off anyway, but the trauma of such an abrupt change, especially when married (and yes, our spouses should accept as as we are, but at least I’ve found with my husband change is hard especially physical change not related to the obvious aging) or with job issues can be problematic. I was forced into a big chop because it was just too much for me with an infant to wash, condition and properly dry and style my hair. Sometimes when I read the routines of natural hair bloggers I’m like, “Dang, they obviously don’t have kids or demanding jobs” cause there are WAAAAY too many steps and products on their regime list. Anyway I didn’t have time to work through the transition like that and next time I will wait until my kids are older and I can take the time needed to do it properly the way I prefer (without a big chop!).

  4. Naomie says

    I Went Through Some Things ,! I Did NOT Get The Big Chop. I Went Through It The Hard Way I Used Olive Oil Porducts, My hair Is Thick! So It Was Hard! I Washed It, Deep Replenishment Conditioner then i Put Some Of The Olive Oil Hair Lotion And Their Wrap/Set Mousse , Wrapped My Hair And It Was Wonderful. ! I Also Use olive Oil Edge Control It Really Helps Lay Down My Hair In The Hardest Times. I Get Alot Of Braids They Help When I Don’t Really Want To Go Through The Hassle. But ponyails also Helped Me. My Hair Was Short But I Brushed it Up With Olve Oil And After a While I Got A REAL Ponytail 🙂 Little Things, i think It’s All About How You Like to Style Your Hair, I liked Mine Straight Instead of The Actual Natural Look.