Biracial Twins: Sisters Belonging to Different Races

I’ve heard that the odds of having a set of biracial twins belonging to different races is one in a million. One interracial couple somehow beat those odds.

Donna Aylmer, who is half Jamaican and her caucasian husband, Vince gave birth to Lucy and Maria 18 years ago. Born with blue eyes, fair skin, and red hair, there’s no confusing Lucy with her brown eyed, curly hair, darker sister. The Gloucester,UK fraternal twins are the youngest of five children and people have no problems telling them apart.

In fact, their differences go beyond appearance. When it comes to personality, the girls are at the opposite ends of the spectrum as well. According to Lucy, Maria is more outgoing, while she’s a bit more shy.

Maria is currently studying law at Cheltenham College, and Lucy is pursuing art and design at Gloucester College.

I’ve always secretly wished for twins. I remember my hubby and I coming across stories of biracial twins – each belonging to different races – and wondered if it could ever happen to us. It would probably take the white gene from my great grandmother combined with my husband 100% caucasian gene to increase the odds of that happening.

After giving birth to Princess, we quickly realized that having one kid at a time is more than enough. We now have two beautiful kids, and there is certainly no confusing these two siblings.

Both kids were born with lighter features. However, as Princess got older she developed darker features than her baby brother, who happens to still look more caucasian. I thought that his features would get darker over time, but there hasn’t been much change to his skin tone.





As Princess and Young O get older, I’m sure their features will continue to change. Regardless of their complexion, I love them just the same. But I do sometimes wonder what would happen, if we go for baby number three.

My Mother-in-law is an identical twin. Is there a chance of us having twins? According to NHS, nobody knows what causes identical (monozygotic) twins. All pregnant women have approximately the same chance of having identical twins – about 1 in 350-400. Identical twins do not run in families.

I love that Maria and Lucy aren’t phased by their differences. They embrace their uniqueness and that’s what I want to teach my kids – no matter how different you are, you are each just as beautiful.


The Network Niche


  1. says

    Awesome! Thank you for sharing!

    My kids also have different hair color and skin color.
    My wife’s siblings have different hair color and skin color too.
    I think this is common especially with Latinos and African-Americans.

    The most striking differences I’ve ever seen is in those two links that you included from the UK sites.

  2. says

    This article is the best!

    You can see the kids are the same height, same body shape, same body width, same arm length, same leg length, same almond shaped eyes, same heart shaped head and same nose.

    So many people think race is only about skin color and hair texture.

    Thank you for sharing Weather Anchor Mama!

    PS – With your title you’re probably gonna get people saying the cliche: ”There is only one race – the human race.” The title works well in the U.S. ’cause we capture race data on birth certificates and school applications. I noticed the UK did not use the term race in their title. I think the UK does collect racial data, but most of Europe is not allowed to – especially Germany.