Half Marathon Training Tips With a Busy Schedule

Half marathon training takes a lot time. If you’ve got a busy schedule, executing the perfect workout can be challenging. Even though I’m primarily a stay-at-home mom, my fitness routine is never the same. Here are 5 tips to train for a half marathon with a busy schedule.

Half Marathon Training Tips With a Busy Schedule

Half Marathon Training Tips With a Busy Schedule

Hold yourself accountable
I’ve always been a believer in speaking things into existence. When you do that, you hold yourself accountable. I also recently decided to start a vlog documenting my journey to completing my second mini marathon as a way of doing just that.

Set a schedule
Once you decide on a running routine, it’s smooth sailing from there. I like to pencil in my workouts in my phone. I get alerts to remind me the date, time, and distance.

Be flexible
I usually like to save my longer runs for the weekends. The kids are not in school, my husband is off from work, so I have a more time to play with. However, if I get called to work, I may have to reschedule my workouts. I can always switch around my running schedule depending on the days I fill-in. Hiring personal training in Northern Virginia can cater to your busy schedule. Considering this flexibility, it might be worthwhile to explore options like new gym cross trainers to add versatility to your home workouts. 

Don’t be hard on yourself
There are moments when I don’t like running. For instance, I planned to complete my eight mile run other day, but I was so exhausted.

When I got to the track, I completely lost my mojo. It began to rain and I just didn’t feel like jogging. I went back home thinking I’d just run on the treadmill. But that didn’t happen. I usually get down about missing workouts, but I’ve learn to just let it go and that’s okay.

I made up for it the following day when I did my eight my run in 1 hour 17 minutes and 20 seconds and ate enough protein bars for muscle recovery.

Believe in yourself
If you believe in yourself, you can do anything you set your mind to. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to complete my first half marathon training. I was determined to do it, and I accomplished my goal.


The Network Niche