Messy Eating & Some Park Fun

In case you haven’t noticed, I love taking pics of Princess.  She loves posing for the camera.  I like to capture all the great moments.  Whether being a messy eater or just enjoying some park fun, Princess always has a fab time!  She’s still cute with her messy mouth and all! Weather Anchor Mama

Debating What to Do About Santa

It seems like the holidays came so fast this year.  Every where I turn I see Christmas lights!  I think that retailers skipped over Thanksgiving decorations and went right to the Christmas displays.  Technically, this will be Princess’s second Christmas.  Last year she was only a few months old and didn’t really get to enjoy…

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Post Thanksgiving Pics

Hope you all are enjoying the Thanksgiving weekend.  The weather was so nice!  Princess wanted to frolic around outside for a bit before heading to grandma’s house.  I snapped these cute pics.

Fresh Look Makeup for Thanksgiving

I don’t usually get all dolled up when family drops by.  However, this time is different.  Last year Princess ate her turkey dinner by way of mommy’s breast milk, now this Thanksgiving she can sit in her high chair and chow down with everyone.  Thankfully my mom and sis will be doing all of the cooking….

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Ode to Hubby; Just Because

It ain’t Christmas, it ain’t Valentines Day, and this ain’t a birthday or any other holiday poem.  I’m writing this just because. My hubby and I have been together for over ten years.  I don’t usually write about him because he’s a VERY private person.  He doesn’t like when I mention him in my blog…

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Running Loose

Once Princess got on to the field, she couldn’t contain herself. At one point she runs into the camera and almost wipes out.  Sometimes you gotta let the kiddos run loose.  She wore herself out and slept like an angel later on.

First Trip Grocery Shopping

Have you ever taken your little one grocery shopping?  I thought I never would.  But, I finally gave in.  The plan was to spend no more than a half hour because you know how kids can be.  They go nuts if they’re in the same place for too long.  I made sure Princess was changed…

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A Quiet Homecoming

Princess is usually knocked out when I get home. But, wakes up within a half hour of my arrival. It’s like her body is in-sync with mine!  Weather Anchor Mama