Pregnancy Diaries: 6 Weeks & Crashing

By the time I hit the 6 week mark, I spent less time thinking of my unborn child and more about how I would finish up the semester. I literally fell asleep while studying which is something I’ve never done before. As with our first pregnancy, my hubby and I decided to take pics. It’s…

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Dancing to Barbie World

Princess is in her own Barbie world. I couldn’t stop laughing while watching this. Weather Anchor Mama

Still in Denial

Reality has finally set it.  I’m pregnant.  I think seeing images on the ultrasound has help convinced me.  But,  I’ve been in denial for weeks.  I’ve been in shock, I guess. Growing up I’ve always kept a diary.  So, writing down my feelings came natural.  I wrote this post a couple days after finding out….

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The Day After Finding Out

Now that the news is out, I thought I’d rewind and fill you in on how the last few weeks have been.  I should warn you, I may come off like Debbie downer at times.  But, I’m all about being truthful.  This is a journey that I choose to document for myself, my kids, and…

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I’ve Got Big News!

As I mentioned in my last couple vlogs, I’ve got a big announcement. Well, here it is. Weather Anchor Mama

Macaroni & Cheese!

Like any other day, I made dinner before leaving for work. Today chicken and rice was being served. But, clearly Princess was craving something else entirely. My hubby sent me this clip. It’s a shame her dad can’t cook.  I guess I’ll be making homemade mac and cheese tomorrow. Weather Anchor Mama

Quarterly Bitchfest

Every girl needs her time away.  My girls and I get together every few months for brunch to catch up.  It actually began as a going away dinner for me a few years ago.  But, we had so much fun that we decided to make it a tradition. I’ve affectionately dubbed our get together as…

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Princess Gets her Groove on!

My hubby just sent this funny clip that his mom made.  Check out Princess getting her grove on with cousin Kev! Weather Anchor Mama