#Lansinoh Baby Skincare & Giveaway

I’ve always had sensitive skin and my kiddos are no different. Princess and Baby O’s condition have gone beyond the usual baby acne. Yep, both of them suffered from allergic reactions to a bunch of different soaps, lotions, and oils. I’ve been using the same products now for many years. Now that Princess is a…

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Ways to Celebrate Christmas

I know that I’m probably beating a dead horse. But in the spirit of the holidays, and the hard work that Princess and I put into making the Christmas video clip below, I figure what they heck. I’ve written about the dilemma my hubby and I had regarding how we wanted to celebrate the holiday….

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What I Plan to Tell My Kids About Nelson Mandela

I was just a young child when I heard about Nelson Mandela being released from prison in 1990 after nearly 30 years of being locked up. I had no idea who he was at the time. I later learned that he was an African anti-apartheid leader who fought for equality for everyone in South Africa. But his mission transcended…

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#ScentSavings: He by Usher is the Best Cologne for my Man

With the holiday season in full swing, shopping for my hubby could be stressful. What does he need? If I buy this would he like it? These are just a couple of questions that run through my head when I’m at checkout line. I recently got an opportunity to review ‘He’ by Usher, and figured…

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Thanksgiving Leftovers for Your Hair

People often talk about different ways to make use of Thanksgiving leftovers. I’ve heard everything from using the turkey to make sandwiches and soup. But how about using some of those leftovers on your hair? The idea came to me when I looked at the slices of avocado left in a bowl after Thanksgiving dinner….

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A Quick & Easy Way to Get Rid of Cradle Cap

I started noticing that Baby O began developing tiny flakes on his head, despite moisturizing it often. After a couple of weeks, the flakes turned into yellowish scales. I realized that he developed cradle cap, a condition common with infants. So for the past couple of months I’ve been on the hunt to find quick…

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Is Walmart FamilyMobile the Best Wireless Plan for Mom?

With wind chills in the 30s, the last thing I wanted to do was shop. However, when I received an opportunity to purchase and review the Walmart FamilyMobile Samsung Galaxy Exhibit 4G smartphone for #cbias, I couldn’t pass it up. It also lowest price rate plan I could find. I told my hubby this would…

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Which Would You Choose?

Life is about making tough choices. When you become a parent, making the right decisions get harder. I’m often being ask the question, “Which would you choose?” That’s exactly what someone asked me the other day when referring to my career, and I decided to post this vlog. Have you ever been forced to make…

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