Look At My Little Princess Crawl!!

I decided to start a blog as a way to keep my creative juices flowing.  Since having Princess, I’ve had to cut back on some of my duties at work.  I love writing and producing, in addition to forecasting the weather and this blog allows me to work on my craft.  I know I wanted to focus on being a career mom.  But, I wasn’t sure how much of my daughter I wanted to share with the public.

I’ve gotten tons of emails requesting to see pics of my baby girl.  But, I’d reply that my hubby and I made a decision not to publish any pics.  I know many of you may have posted pics of your little ones and I think that’s great.  I guess the over protective mom that I am just wants to maintain her privacy.  Sometimes I feel that the internet can be pretty scary.  There is so much out there with just a click of a mouse.  But I’m torn because whenever she reaches a milestone, I want to share it with the world. I mentioned in my previous blog that she was beginning to crawl.  She would creep a couple times and stop.  But, last week she really got the hang of it!  I know babies do this everyday and maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised.  I can’t help in though.  I am so proud of my little Princess.
So without further ado, here she is crawling for daddy!!!




The Network Niche


  1. Correen Townes says

    How awesome!!! Every milestone is sooo worth it!!! There is nothing better than being a proud mom.

  2. Tonchuck says

    sooo cute! enjoy every minute! She will be running before you can realize it.