Crazy Week So Far!

I can’t say that I’ve been having a great week so far.  I’ve been having a lot of computer troubles at work, which can be very frustrating. But my cunundrums reached a crescendo when I realized late last night that I had two exams and a quiz due in the morning.  Plan A was to…

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"Reunited and It Feels So Good"

I love my career as a weather anchor. But I feel that my most important roles are being a wife and mom. My husband and I are a team. We have a great parenting system already set up. We support each other in how we raise our daughter. There are times we may disagree, but…

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Princess’s 1st Birthday Celebration Promo

Here’s a sneak peek at Princess’s Bday recap.  I’ll be posting the entire video this Friday.  Don’t forget to check back!

My daughter’s daycare provides meals, once infants become toddlers.  In fact, eating table food is a requirement for moving up to the next level.  Princess has actually been eating table foods since she was about nine months old.  She wasn’t eating hearty meals like mommy and daddy, but I’d modify everything so that she can easy…

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Some Princess Model Pics!

From Grapes to Strawberries!

This past weekend marked the unofficial end to Summer, which means Autumn is not to far away and the kiddies head back to school.  Today Princess began the fall semester at daycare as a strawberry (aka the toddlers).  She spent her infant months as a grape, where she was taught motor skills.  Now she’ll be…

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I Consider This a Milestone

We consider a baby’s first word an important milestone.  In fact, there are so much more I can think of that are huge moments for any baby.  Princess didn’t exactly celebrate her walking milestone just yet, but she came very close to it.  My hubby and I assembled the stroller her grandma gave her.  With her new…

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Taking Matters into My Own Hands

With a baby, it’s so hard keeping up with everything.  Hanging out with friends has taken a back seat.  But, who would have thought that I would have less time to do the most simple things.  Taking a shower, working out, painting my nails are just some of the things that have become a major…

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