My New Food Discovery

I love trying new dishes.  I also enjoy experimenting with different types of baby food.  Princess is going through a stage of eating only cheese and pasta.  When a friend of mine recommended that I try making tofu for her, my ears perked up!   She said that her baby niece loves tofu with avocado!  I…

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Giving Gluten Free Another Whirl

My nursing experience started off on shaky ground.  As I’ve mentioned in my Nursing Diaries, it was a bit of a challenge.  Whether trying to get my daughter to latch correctly, coping with sleepless nights, or pumping at work.  I was prepared for all of these situations, but I wasn’t nearly prepared for how my…

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Breaking Point

I told my hubby the other day that if I was able to throw Princess from the car without harming her, and peel off- I’d do it.  I know it’s a weird and extreme statement.  As a parent, there are times when I feel like I’m gonna loose my mind!  I’m sure you parents out…

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Getaway Dilemma

The time has finally come for tough decisions.  You see, I knew the day would eventually arrive for my hubby and I to have some alone time.  I don’t mean a movie or dinner date.  I’m talking about a vacation! The plan was to wait a few years before jetting off to the Caribbean or some other…

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After the MMR

Picture Princess heavily medicated, out of sorts, and drooling uncontrollably.  That was the vision in my head at the thought of her getting the MMR vaccine.  After months of debate and research, I finally gave in.  Princess finally got her shot! As I mentioned in my previous post, the controversy surrounding the MMR vaccine has been retracted. …

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Potty Princess

It seems like it was just yesterday when my hubby and I welcomed our new baby girl into the world.  Since then it’s been a whirlwind.  We’ve enjoyed so many different milestones from crawling, walking, to first words, and so much more.  In a matter of weeks we’ll be celebrating a new one.  Potty training! Princess…

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MMR Vaccine

I knew the day would eventually come when Princess would have to get the measles, mumps, and rubella shot aka MMR.  I’ve been a bit apprehensive because of the controversy surrounding this vaccine. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the vaccination, here’s some background info.  Studies have shown that since this vaccine was made available, MMR cases have drastically…

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A Healthier Pumpkin Bread

Ever since I was a kid I loved to bake.  Corn bread, cookies, lemon squares, brownies, are just some of my favorite treats to make.  But with the demands of school, work, and now a toddler, baking has taken a back seat.  Aside from whipping something up on special occasions, I really don’t have time…

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