The Awesome Perks of Being a Work-at-Home Mom

It’s hard to classify myself as a stay-at-home mom because I still have my hand in so many jars. I’m still a freelance meteorologist, and I also work a lot from home. I must say, there are some awesome perks of being a Career Woman who works from home. The one advantage of being at…

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How Becoming an American Citizen Changed My Life

I remember sitting in an office with my parents and a woman. They all sat there waiting for me to sign my identity away, or so I thought at the time. But little did I know that signing the piece of paper in front me would mean that becoming an American citizen would change my life…

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Teaching Kids How to Carve a Jack-O-Lantern

I’ve never carved a pumpkin in my life. So teaching our kids how to carve a jack-o-lantern wasn’t exactly something I thought I’d be doing. That’s where having an American born husband who celebrated Halloween growing up comes in pretty handy. As a child, my family never celebrated Halloween. I was usually the only kid…

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Silly Things We Argue About

Ever fight about something with your significant other, and realize that it was the silliest argument later on? That pretty much sums up a lot of our disagreements. My hubby and I argue over silly things all the time like who gets to walk the dog, who gets to take the kids to school, and…

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Zucchini Noodles With Shrimp & Broccoli Alfredo Sauce

Getting kids to eat their veggies is always a challenge. I’m always trying to come up with recipes that have the right mix of ingredients to satisfy my family’s taste buds. I recently made zucchini noodles with shrimp and broccoli Alfredo sauce. If my kids had a choice, they’d eat pasta and cheese for every meal…

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Potty Dilemma at the Pumpkin Patch

Taking the kids to the pumpkin patch has become a tradition. We’ve taken Princess so many times that we’ve lost count, but this is O’s second visit. As is usually the case, there’s always a dilemma when we take the kids anywhere. The pumpkin patch in our area don’t have bathrooms, but they do have…

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Curly Hairstyle of the Week: Fishtail Ponytail Braid

Our Curly Hairstyle of the Week is the fishtail ponytail braid. It’s a simple hairstyle that can be dressed up or down. But, what we love most about this style is that it can be done in 5 minutes or less. We begin by detangling her curly hair with water and leave-in conditioner. Once Princess’s…

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Curly Hairstyle of the Week: Easy French Braid in 5 Minutes or Less

It was all about the letting Princess’s curls hang loose this past summer.We were able to achieve the perfect wash-n-go in six easy steps. This fall it’s all about braided hairstyles. For our Curly Hairstyle of the Week, we decided to share a quick video tutorial on how to do a easy french braid in 5 minutes or less….

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